Spotted around the world!

Over the past two months Krato Milano beard jewelry was featured in numerous publication all over the world. Below you can find links to online publications in different languages;

The Huffington Post   Yahoo   Daily Mail   De Milked   The Awesome Daily   Hot Viral News   Refinery 29    Notable   Ask Men   Fact River   Mike Shouts   Kiss Radio   Metro 

Italian:  Glamour   D Repubblica   Yahoo Style   Mondo Fox   Super Eva

Spanish: The Monopolitan  Cribeo   SDP noticias  Upsocl   Mis gafas de pasta  Canal 44   

German:  Kurier   KlonBlog  Schlecky Silberstein

French:  The Huffington Post   Ufunk   Ubergizmo

Russian:  Lenta   Funtema   Advenc   4tololo   Jevel   J-izvestia 

Greek:  Iefimerida   News-live   Klik    Polish:  Fashion Biznes   Filing 

Czech: Revue    Turkish: Tatiluzmani    Croatian: Net hr    Dutch: Wie Wat Haar

Hebrew: Time Out    Japanese: Tabi Labo    Chinese: Chuansong